Redondo Beach, Ca
Your Local Landscape Contractor

Seasonal Yard Clean Up
Our Seasonal Yard Clean Up service ensures your yard looks its best all year round. We will take care of all the necessary tasks, such as raking leaves, trimming hedges, and removing debris, leaving your yard looking neat and tidy. Our experienced team of landscape professionals will handle all the hard work for you, so you can enjoy a beautiful, well-maintained yard.
We offer both Spring and Fall Clean Ups to help spruce up your yard in preparation for the season ahead. A Spring Clean Up helps prepare your yard for the growing season by raking up leaves/debris accumulated over winter. A Fall Clean Up helps put your yard to bed properly by raking leaves, cutting back perennials, etc. before winter
Spring Clean-Up includes:
● Blowing leaves, needles, debris from lawn and garden areas (leaves are bagged or blown into piles and left for town pick-up)
● Garden clean-up: edging, pruning, cutting back perennials that were not cut back last fall
● Bundling of downed branches, pick up of sticks, cones, needles, etc.
● Blowing off of all hardscape areas
Fall Clean-Up Includes:
● Blowing leaves, keys, needles and cones from lawn, garden beds and hardscape areas
● Cutting back any remaining plant material / cleaning up plant material and soil from planters where needed
● Mounding Roses and burlapping sensitive shrubs when required